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What our customers say

Our Scents

Coconut Cream

A delightfully decadent candle fragrance that tantalizes the senses. The journey begins with an exotic [...]

Peppered Passion Fruit

A candle fragrance that truly redefines exotic indulgence. It begins with a lively and energetic [...]

Cranberry Apple

Cranberry Apple is a luscious blend of tart cranberries, juicy apples, and spice. Top notes [...]

Black Currant & Jasmine

It’s a late summer day. The flowers are blooming, the light is golden, and the [...]


A classic holiday scent that tells the story of a cozy holiday night spent sipping [...]


Not a cloud in the sky and no wind. No human being in the streets. [...]

Black Sea

Welcome to the Black Sea. Our “Black Sea” fragrance is as dark, seductive, and mysterious [...]

Cashmere Plum

This fragrance is like a hug. A cozy sense of warmth awaits, washing over you [...]

Cinnamon Vanilla

The full-bodied scent of cinnamon complements the sweet, creamy vanilla accords to create our classic, [...]

Sweet Orange & Sriracha

Different. Unique. Phenomenal. “Sweet Orange & Sriracha” is the fragrance of extravagance! The citrusy sweetness [...]

Apple Harvest

Beneath the summer sun in all its glory, you are lying in the grass beside [...]

White Tea

On the beach in Bali, you are meditating with a cup of tea in your [...]

About Candle Guy

Michael Murphy original candle guy

I am the original candle guy.

Time and again, people ask me how I came up with the idea for candle guy. The story is simple: I saw a scented candle in my apartment and wondered “Why can’t that candle be like me?”Sexy, environmentally-focused, appealing to the senses, and the right combination of funny and inappropriate. From there, candle guy was born.

If you have any question or feedback feel free to contact me!

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